Chapter 1 : Discovery Phase

Chapter 2 : Development Methodology

Chapter 3 : Choosing Developing Approach

Chapter 4 : Popular Development Languages and Framework

Chapter 5 : Promotion of Mobile App

Chapter 6 : FAQ

Why do you want to build a mobile app? Did someone tell you that Mobile Application is pretty mandatory to grow business? Yes then you heard it right, In this digital era without a website or app, no business can reach its targeted audience. But spending a lot of money on developing a Mobile app is not a good way to do business.

Why unnecessarily spend on features that are not used, at this point, we can help you choose the best suitable technology that works great with you. 

Penetrate this cut-throat market through building Mobile applications with the help of below guide and reach your customer with getting the highest return of every penny you spent on.

Chapter 1: Discovery Phase – Laying Down foundation of Mobile App Development

What is Mobile App Development?

It is a process of creating software applications that run on mobile devices and utilize the network connection to work with other computing resources.

The mobile app development process adds installable software which implements backend services such as data access with API, testing application on targeted devices.

What is the purpose of a Mobile App?

There is the indefinite purpose of the mobile app, below we have listed three categories that will give a positive return on investment. At least your app falls in one category then you for sure going to get great results. 

  • A Solution Provider: Does your app fits your customer’s needs? Does the app solve the user’s problem with making it easy to use it? 
  • Entertainment Factor: Your app should add entertainment factors such as Angry birds, Candy-Crush along with adopting the mantra for success. 
  • Adding Value: Few apps serve every day’s purpose such as Skype which allows users to add value to the services provided.

How to Create a Mobile application?

Mobile App Development Lifecycle

What Mobile App Development Cost?

This is one of the frequent questions asked by most of the customers. It’s human psychology that everyone needs the best lowest price. If you already have an idea to build a mobile application then you’re good to go with mobile development. For that, you can hire a mobile app development company to develop a mobile app. Check below factors that we can consider before building a mobile app. Let’s figure out a few of them.

How long does it take to build an app?

There is no doubt that the market has around 350 billion app downloads worldwide. Here the businesses are looking to get attention via developing a mobile app. So, many startups and organizations are looking to inquire about the app development process and app development cost. As usual, businesses are wanting to know how long it takes to develop an app and at what cost. Get to know more:

On average, it takes 2-3 months to build a basic mobile application.

Stage 1: Design and Mockup
Time Duration: 2 weeks

Stage 2: Development and Testing
Time Duration: 5 Weeks

Stage 3: Submission -> Preparation and Submit to App Store
Time Duration: 1 to 2 Weeks

Things to consider:

Social: 1 -2 weeks for social media Integration

Design: Basic out-of-box UI to speed up the design process with a custom look and feel

Platform: Android takes a long time to build an app in comparison with iOS or Windows Estimation of Basic App Types

Basic Standalone app with no internet or backend support: 2-3 months App with server backend – 3-4 months Graphic intensive apps i.e. Games app- 6-12 months

Chapter 2: Development Methodology – Types of Mobile App Development

2.1 Android App Development

As we know, Android is a mobile operating system by Google. It is generally based on Linux Kernel where they are generally designed for mobile devices.

Not only this, but Google has also launched Android TV, Android wear and Android Car as has become one of the successful tech firms that require fast, low cost and customized operating systems. 

It comes with an extensive user base with a simplified mobile app development process. Small to large enterprises leverage Android and create a custom mobile app that solves customer problems to increase the value of their business.

Android has become one of the best choices for most mobile app developers globally. Moreover, the future of Android apps is brilliant as it fulfills the needs of customers and provides those apps which are stable and easy to access. 

Android comes with the highest ROI and low investment. It is a JavaScript-based platform and is easy to master and execute. The app cost mainly divides into three steps: application development, testing, and hardware cost. Moreover, any computer can be used to develop an application and test it with smartphones.

2.1.1 Why Do Businesses need to have an Android Application?

If we check the recent statistics then, there are several mobile users than the number of desktop users. People are seen investing more in Android app development for growing their businesses. Overall, 80% of the users globally use Android and 60% of them use tablets. Here’s the list of the potential ways your business will reap the benefits of developing an Android app.

  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: The Android platform will give brands the potential to engage with the customer in many different ways. Your customer is surely coming to you when they’ll notice their points are followed up in real-time. With this, you can grow trust with your clients and show them where their brand stands. 
  • Customer Support: Customer support helps to get in touch with the company where the client can easily communicate. The more the client will have trust in you, they’ll be more likely to use your product. 
  • Promotional Offers: If you have your newly launched product then you can easily promote it. Moreover, you can keep your customer updated about your new service launched by giving them push notifications and your business is merely likely to earn profits. 
2.1.2 Things to know before building your first Android App

If you’re a total beginner then we would recommend watching YouTube tutorials about installation, integration and to get a basic idea of syntax behind Java concepts. Below, we have a list of things you need to keep in mind while building an Android application. 

  • The developer needs to learn Java as it’s the only language that will help you through the app-building process. 
  • Android encompasses learning XML for app designing and understanding the concept of using programming with Java.
  • Building the first app is time-consuming and there are no shortcuts to success so utilize Google and also there’s no shame in asking for assistance from any experts.
  • Also, make sure that before hitting the market and start developing an application one should conduct proper market research.
  • Analyze the market thoroughly with knowing your competitor insights, strategy and strength. The information should prove to be useful and try to avoid repeating the mistake your competitors have made. 
  • Define the targeted audience as it plays a huge impact on the development of mobile application
2.1.3 How to develop an Android Application?
  • Learn to Code: Before you go any further you need to have a good knowledge of programming. You mostly need to work on Java and other programming languages. There are several sites available online that will let you learn new languages from the beginning for free. So, simply you need serious app development and start learning with ease. 
  • Design your App on Paper: It’s very important to instantly start programming an app as your plan will soon become messy and difficult in the middle of app development. So to begin with it you need to write down the basics and how your app should work. This will help to build the audience that you’re targeting and so you can easily expand your app design. 
  • Integrated Development Environment: The first thing you should know is IDE before you build a mobile app. For Android IDE the popular choice is Android Studio. IDE comes with a user interface from where you can enter your code and highlights all errors in your coding syntax with isolating and fixing the bugs. Most IDE allows you to test your app and help to identify the issues on the device itself. Android Studio is designed especially for Android App Development which uses 
  • Android SDK to develop Android Apps: Android is a wonderful platform that develops an open environment and comes with interactive elements to develop Android Apps. 

2.2 iOS App Development

iOS is one of the operating systems that is unavoidable when building an app. The user base of iOS is growing exponentially along with the popularity of a mobile website. The app industry is booming and with this, you need to be updated with technology and guidelines for building an effective app development. So, if you’re planning to build an iOS application then one needs to apt with guidelines that are used by iPhone App Developers.

2.2.1 Effective Guidelines for iOS App Development Process

Apple has around 1.5 million unique apps along with a download figure of 100 billion apps. By the time you are reading this guide, 1000 more apps will be downloaded and installed. As we know, iOS is a HUGE market so following the effective guideline is a must to grow your business. Let’s dive in to know more:

Concept Design and Wireframing

When the concept of the app is cleared then you need a document that fulfills the need for the design team. Moreover, the team would develop a wireframe which adds blueprints, sketches and how an app would look like. The design will work as the subsequent app design process and various steps for creating an app. 


  • The initial phase will help in getting all the requirements and design ready. Later, the development phase begins by adding the app concept to life. It mainly divides into three internal parts such as:
  • Back-end Development: It is a core of the app which includes entire server-side development. App maintenance, functionality, account management, third-party integration, and other push notifications are covered under back-end development. 
  • APIs: Application Programming Interface serves as a link between front-end and backend mobile application. Here, API is a core component in the apps development process. 
  • Front-end Development: Front-end interact directly with the user including design elements such as wireframes, mockups, caching and database synchronization. It gives a smooth user experience across various screen sizes and orientations. 

Testing and Publishing

  • After completing the technical app development process, the next step is QA testing. The testing phase is a crucial step as there are difficulties in the submission process and Apple’s approval of the app. The developer will review the app for optimized performance, debugging, seamless user interface and thorough compliance with all guidelines set by Apple. 
  • Later the reviewing of the app is performed by the Apple team, your application can be submitted to the App store.
2.2.2 Android or iOS which to Choose?

Taking about which is better, then both platforms have its pros and cons. But, iOS comes with a better option over Android in terms of developing an application. iOS comes with a better presence in countries like the UK and the USA. The application that is developed on the iOS platform is high-quality and comes with innovative features and highly secure than Android apps. Compared to Android, iOS generates more revenue and needs less cost and time to develop an iPhone application.

2.2.3 Mobile OS Comparison
2.2.4 How iPhone Application Development benefits businesses?
iPhone App Development Benefits
  • Better App Revenue: This is the fact that iPhone apps come with greater ROI than Android Apps. To get the best opportunities from the iOS application development process, you need to keep an eye on the mistake and other related data to get a big advantage of it. 
  • High-Quality Standard: iPhone app development for business is not worth it without having an application. When any user downloads any iOS application, it makes sure to give a flawless performance with an amazing experience. 
  • Security of Enterprise Data: iOS application will protect firmware and software through stringent security measures such as preventing duplication of data, integrated data handling system and measure against loss of security. 
  • Apps for all Business Needs: You’ll find the various size of an application that helps to grow your business and remain connected with it every moment. The mobile app can be a perfect gateway to reach customers to increase your business ROI and reach better-paying clients. 
  • Established Customer Base: You’ll find 70% of the Android users all around but Apple is a well-established niche of clients that offer quality and performance at the same time. It’s noticed by iPhone users that once they have experienced iOS they won’t be satisfied with any other OS.
  • Tech-Ready Audience: iPhone users are ready for any kind of innovation and are tech-savvy. It gives your business numerous opportunities to craft challenging applications and create disruption in markets. Businesses done using iPhone apps can later become market leaders and stride ahead of competitors.  
  • Low Fragmentation and Easy Testing: There are only 10% of the users using Android latest version and the majority of them are using older versions. So, we can say that Android is fragmented whereas, 85% of them are iPhone users using iOS 12 with using the latest version of OS. This helped them to turn towards a reputed iOS app development company with low fragmentation. 
  • High-market presentation: Apple is a leader and has developed a huge presence in the market. The company is well-established to guarantee success for your iOS apps. Whereas, Android apps need to struggle with millions of new apps released to the market. Also, there are a lot of Android app development services that are highly uncertain with making sufficient revenue to recover the investment. 
  • Less Development Time: How long it takes to build an application then we can say that iOS comes with great speed and takes less time when compared to Android application. Android has to move from 20 different devices and tested to run efficiently so it takes a longer time and more development cost.
2.2.5 What is Flutter? 

Flutter is an open-source mobile SDK developer used to build native-looking iOS and Android applications. In short, it helps to create a native mobile app using one codebase. This means you can use one programming language and one codebase to create two different apps for iOS and Android. 

Flutter mainly consists of two parts:

  • SDK: Software Development Kit is a collection of tools that helps to develop applications to compile code into native machine code. 
  • Framework: It is a collection of reusable UI elements such as text inputs, buttons, sliders and so on to personalized your needs.
Flutter is a mobile SDK that provides reactive views and implements widgets. Widgets are an element that affects and controls the interface to an app. The widget can break or make an app with ease. Check below example:
Widget is paramount and it makes the application look good on all screen sizes with giving a natural feel to it. It helps to perform faster and create a widget tree with modern and customized features.
This is one of the biggest improvements in Flutter that determines the size and position of widgets based on rules. It helps to implement multiple layout methods with ease. CSS comes with layout models that include box models, floating elements, page media and many more. Most of the layout is quite simple and their position depends on the size of the display. Also, the most layout to a subtree of widget typically uses one layout model supported by widgets. Check below widget tree with the layout
new Center(
child: new Column(
children: [
new Text (‘Hello, World!’)),
new Icon(, color:
Output: Hello, World!
Flutter uses Dart language to create many objects that live for no more than one frame. Dart uses generational garbage collection that has proven to be efficient for all types of systems. Additionally, Dart comes with a tree shaking compiler that includes code you needed in your app.

Flutter does not use a platform widget, it provides its own widgets. Here the Flutter raises the widgets and renders from the platform into the app which is customized and extensible. The flutter will require a platform to render widget that appears on the device screen and access to services and events.

Benefits of Flutter

  • Open Source: Flutter is an open-source technology used by an active community of developers who provide support and develop helpful resources. 
  • Save Time and Money: Flutter is a cross-platform development tool where developers use the same code base for building an iOS and Android application. 
  • Excellent Performance: Flutter offers outstanding performance for two reasons where Dart is used to compiling into native code and secondly it has its own widget so there’s no need to access OEM ones. 
  • Quick Deployment: Flutter is gaining a lot of traction among mobile developers due to the hot reload. This allows the instant view of the code on the emulator, simulator, and hardware. If any app encounters errors it usually fixes it and continues using the app without even knowing the app had errors. 
  • Compatibility: Flutter comes with its widget and so it results in lower compatibility issues. Developers noticed few problems on different OS versions and spend less time on testing the app on older versions.

Check some of our Flutter Apps developed by us, see our portfolio here

Flutter Vs React Native, which is better?

We know that React Native is developed by Facebook and Flutter by Google. Both cross platforms are creating a buzz in the market and both have increased their popularity with mobile apps. A lot of companies are looking for an option to build mobile apps so flutter and react-native are two main frameworks that host cross-platform mobile app development. 

No wonder how Flutter helps developers to create a beautiful native app and helps in developing the cross-platform app with ease. Here we have Flutter vs native performance comparison which will help the startup to easily identify and gives best for their mobile app development. 

Check the comparison table below to understand the best hybrid framework

  • User Interface: While talking about the interface and creating block components you’ll find a huge gap between React Native and Flutter. Here react native is based on native components and flutter works flawlessly with widget sets with giving customized UI design and native support.
  • Development Time: React Native is one of the best reliable frameworks that develop a next-generation mobile app with making the development process simple and quick. Whereas, flutter makes the longer time for development and promises to deliver high-quality usability with more recognition over React Native. 
  • Performance: The mapping between Flutter and React Native is the best way to identify which framework is ideal for mobile app development. Flutter vs react native is ahead of all as due to Dart frame. 
  • Stability: It is one of the important aspects where companies expect a flawless mobile application. When we are comparing React Native vs Flutter the competition looks very difficult. The latest version of Flutter beta 2 comes with an impressive feature for developers where large community support React Native and offers great results. 
  • Customer Base: A few years ago, Flutter was released and still it’s struggling to make its presence felt in the industry. Flutter is still new to the market and it will take time to create a base and be recognized in the market. Whereas React Native needs no introduction as it is one of the most promising mobile app development frameworks that can carry out the project of any size. 
  • Documentation & Toolkit: The process of documentation seems very complex and time-consuming. So, Flutter is a one that gives good facilitation of documents and makes the developer’s life easier. Whereas, with react Native the toolkit is not well-organized and also, the framework deletes the components used to make the process smooth.

To make a clear idea about which framework is better and want to make smart choices, check the market overview over here.

Chapter 3: Choosing Developing Approach – Deciding Technical Aspects of Front-End Development

3.1 Native App Development

A native app is an app that is installed directly onto the device and acquires apps through online stores such as Google Play or app store. Each mobile app comes with its native programming language. Also, it comes with tools to help in the development of apps and for deployment on multiple mobile OS platforms and web browsers. It typically performs faster than mobile web apps. There are several things that you can use and avoid while building a mobile app, get to know here how to grow your small to large-sized businesses. 

3.2 What is Cross Platform Mobile Application Development?

Cross Platform Application Development is a creation of the software app that is compatible with multiple OS. Although it is expensive, it is used by native apps to build mobile applications. Check a few of the latest cross platform framework that will help you to go with the technology flow in this digital era. The programmers use cross platform new approaches such as Hybrid Mobile app development, Progressive web app and windows universal apps.  

If you’re still confused in choosing the right mobile app development company, hire cross platform app developer to get rich user experience across all devices. 

3.3 Cross-Platform or Native App

Previously, there was a lot of confusion in mind whether to develop a native mobile app or go for cross-platform? Ideally, cross-platform apps come with a single code base and can work with multiple operating systems. Let’s quickly compare both the platform and clear out the doubt.

Features for Native Apps and Cross Platforms Apps
  • User Interface:  Native apps hold the upper hand over the cross-platform. Whether it’s Android, iOS or Windows each gives a distinct look and UI emphasizes the productive and functional look. Whereas, Cross platform’s user interface depends on the platform for which they have developed. Hence it manages decent appearance compared to native apps. 
  • Reliability: Native are developed for specific mobile OS that uses the respective SDK and easier for mobile app developers to exploit all hardware resources to the hit. Whereas, Cross-platform on the other hand will perform quicker and may often crash out owing to compatibility issues with device hardware and OS.
  • Reusability: Developers have to write code from scratch for each platform in Native apps whereas, in cross platform the code is once written and can be reused over other platforms.
  • OS Updates: Natives instantly support new features and overpower cross-platform. Whereas, Cross-platform reflects a few changes where development needs to be updated first.
  • Cost: Native app development companies require the team to maintain a separate platform as big enterprises can afford to have sizable teams.On the other hand, cross-platform does not need big investment and offers a better option for small-sized industries.
  • Marketplace:  Native apps have their own marketplace in the form of app stores where users can install apps for free or can buy paid one. Cross-Platform can be downloaded from a web browser and app stores. It also gives extended coverage to the user and hence edges over their native counterparts.

Both Native and Cross-platform mobile apps come with their own pros and cons. Where native leads in terms of interface, performance, reliability, and speed. Whereas Cross-platform holds an edge in terms of the marketplace, cost, and reusability. However, it’s your choice and your business concern to choose the platform. 

If you want to develop a compelling mobile app using cross-platform app development we are here to help you out craft stunning apps that works smoothly on every platform.

3.4 What is Progressive Web Apps

PWA(Progressive Web Apps) was first introduced by Google in 2015. It is an app that acts like a webpage and provides the best user experience. They are still a website that gives great look and feels using modern web technology. 

What is the use of PWA?

You might have noticed that applications such as Whatsapp, WeChat, and many alike apps help you to access the platform without the internet while allowing you to read previous messages. So, once PWA is implemented on website users can be able to access web pages without the internet. 

As PWA can work in disconnected mode, it can also work with various frameworks such as ionic and react. Get to know how to build PWA with React Framework, PWA to Angular and PWA to ionic framework with ease. 

PWA Features

There are times when you have noticed that the website isn’t loading well due to Internet issues, but here with PWA, it will solve this problem. PWA is fast, secure, responsive and compatible for all browsers. Let’s quickly dive into PWA Features:

  • Fast: Using PWA, your website can be run three times faster even on slow internet speed. Moreover, it comes with a secure environment that implements HTTPS connections with ease. 
  • Responsive: Nowadays, having a responsive website is an essential factor that it uses strategies and consistent experience on all devices such as tablets, mobile phones, and desktops. 
  • Cross-Platform Compatible: PWA works on all modern browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
  • Offline Mode: PWA comes with the most dominant factor as it uses a cache mechanism which helps users to access the website without the help of the internet or having low internet speed. 
  • Mobile Install: There is a user who doesn’t have sufficient space in their phone so PWA will help you save the hardware space and will act as a mobile app. 
  • Shareable Content: Each page in PWA comes a unique URL so you can share it with other apps or on social platforms. 

If you’re looking for reasons why you should move to PWA, check here to understand better.

3.5 White Label App Development

White label is applications that are built by white or private label app development company and are resold by other businesses. It offers services where an application is ordered by B(reseller) but builds by Company A(third party service provider). Mainly, it is built by a provider that is rebranded and resold by multiple resellers.

Why White Label Apps?

The website is no longer enough for a local business. A mobile app is a necessity and comes with online activity. So, people are using this activity and are shifting to mobile apps. If you have a client who wants to hit the customer in large numbers then investing in a mobile app for the company is a good move. But, sometimes app development is quite complex. So it requires a new development team to build custom applications for client business. One can outsource this service to the third-party development team and build a mobile app by adding it to your services without even worrying about an additional cost. 

What to look at when selecting a white label partner?

  • 100% custom app development for clients 
  • Thorough QA testing on every app
  • Should support multiple version on the early app version
  • Great progress report with the draft and early version of app review
  • Continued supporting Apple and Google Play Store

How to Resell White Label Applications?

If you’re looking to expand the business then white-label apps are a great fit for you. As consumers are spending a lot of time on their phones it might make sense to add an application to a business using marketing strategies. Once your app solves the problem of the customer then it is more likely to hit more users.

3.6 Minimum Viable Product

MVP(Minimum Viable Product) is a minimal form of product that is tested on the market. It comes with a development strategy that allows to validate product assumption and learn how to target users react and experience product core functionality. With MVP you can develop core functionalities to solve a specific problem and satisfy early adopters. It allows you to improve assumptions and learn what users want and serve the customer in better ways.

If you’re looking to configure your business structure with MVP based IT solutions then here we have introduced MVP that will save money and satisfy your users with ease.

Chapter 4: Popular Development Languages and Framework

To make your mobile application successful, you need to choose the right mobile technology stack and give your project life. Choose the best technology from listed below and make your app scalable, maintainable and committed to your functional requirements.

Technology Stack for iOS

To build an iOS app you can choose either of these Programming Language: Objective C or Swift. 

However, we highly recommend using SWIFT as it comes with more functionality and provides less code. 

Toolkit: Apple XCode


Related Pages: Swift App Development, Swift- A Demanding Technology

Technology Stack for Android

If you have decided to build native apps then you can use either of these Programming Language: Java or Kotlin. Here, Java is a highly reputable programming language whereas, Kotlin is clean, lightweight, and far less verbose. 

ToolKit: Android Studio and Android Developer Tools

SDK: Android SDK

Related Pages: Java App Development, Hire Dedicated Java Developer

Technology Stack for Cross-Platform

Cross-platform will develop a mobile app that works on multiple mobile platforms. It uses a single code base so developers can develop apps for a different platform with ease. One can use either of these frameworks: React Native + JavaScript/TypeScript or Xamarin + C#

Technology Stack for Hybrid Apps

Hybrid App uses standard web technologies along with using tools such as CSS, HTML5, and JavaScript. These hybrid apps function like the website and fundamentally can work between an app and page render in the browser. The existing frameworks are Cordova/ PhoneGap and Ionic.

Factors to note while choosing technology stack

We have seen a rich choice of technology stack above for building a mobile application. Choosing the right technology is based on your needs. If you’re not a professional consider below factors for choosing a mobile technology stack.

  • Type of Project: Determine your project by understanding your needs. If you’re creating a complex app and need great performance along with UI implementation then go with Kotlin or Swift native apps which are commonly used programming languages. 
  • Validating an idea: Are you a startup? Then engage with potential users and stay ahead of the competitors. One can choose Cross-Platform which is React Native as it’s a good choice and allows you to reuse when needed. 
  • Time to Market: If you want to speed up your product in this competitive market then consider using a framework that comes with read-made solutions and offers authentication and social media integrations.

Chapter 5: Promotion of Mobile Apps

After successful testing and launch of the app, now its time to promote your app. The promotion phase can be divided into two parts: Before and After Launch. Check the below points to get an overview of the fundamental marketing strategies.

Promotion Before Launch
  • Appealing and Functional Landing Page: Make sure you have landing pages that attractively convey the message. Tell users to subscribe to your newspaper to stay up-to-date. 
  • Influencer Marketing: Work with relevant teams to reach the audience on social platforms. Offer exclusive launch and motivate users by giving incentives with sharing a positive review. 
  • Corporate with the Media: Describe your app by adding catchy stories explaining how it will impact the market or can give press releases for awareness. 
  • Content Marketing and SEO: Start creating content and spread with a targeted audience. Focus on communication and develop articles or video content. 
  • Visibility in App Stores: After app, launch make sure it is visible to the user and works perfectly fine in-app store or Google play.
Promotion After Launch
  • Social Media Advertising: More than 80% of marketing is done through mobile phones. Invest in making a quality promotional video or creating any visual post that grabs the audience’s attention. 
  • Rewards for inviting Friends: People mainly trust personal recommendations so offer the user the most attractive incentives and manage them to bring to your app.
  • Community management in the app store: You need to manage a positive conversation with app users and react to the reviews added in the App Store or Google Store.
  • Mobile App contest and Awards: You can add your app to various nomination or award function which will give a positive reference to the audience. 
  • Banner and Call-to-action buttons: People generally tend to the browser on mobile devices so everyone can see your banner and can become an active user of the app with one click. 
  • Email Marketing: Use your company email to notify the user and your current customer to give an update. Integrate your email marketing with your content strategy.

Chapter 6:  FAQ

How to prepare for Mobile app Marketing during the development phase?

One needs to incorporate push notification, make the app easy to use with easily searchable and implement app analytics.

How can one increase the visibility of a mobile application?

There are various ways we can go ahead and gain visibility on your app such as:

  • Submit app on the promotion website
  • Publish the app on the alternative app store
  • Conduct contests and push interest your app to others.
What steps should you take to avoid common mistakes?

If you’re in this industry for a long time from now then you might have noticed some common mistakes that developers make while developing mobile applications. Here below we have listed a checklist for avoiding common mistakes. 

  • Check the need and demand of your application’s features. For this, one needs to invest time doing marketing research. The various surveys are done about knowing the audience and demographics to target. 
  • Never overlook the cost of mobile app development as developers are too busy in giving life to their idea and forget about the expenses. 
  • One needs to consider opting for MVP and do not need to add unnecessary features which will make their application works slow. So, don’t eat up your precious time and effort during development. 
  • The developer should focus on developing an outstanding UI which plays a vital role in establishing the first impression of your app.
  • Do as much research about the mobile app company that you want to work with. Get to know about what they are specialized in, what are their importance and how they respond to your plan and queries.
How to increase App conversions?

The team needs to market its app enough that people would know about it. Also, on the other side, you can develop an app that offers real value to the users and would back the marketing efforts.

How to choose an agency for mobile app development?
  • Team and Experience: Hire a mobile developer team who has experience in mobile development and where you don’t have to risk your project. 
  • Technology: Choose an agency that comes with the most suitable technology and uses the most cost-effective approach. 
  • References: You can check the rating in the app store and ask the respective agency for measurable results. Know about the valuable services it has given to its clients. 
  • Management: Choose the management partner who has a clear understanding of the project as in the end, they are equally important as a programmer or designer. 
  • Quality Assurance: At every step, the quality should be double-checked and manual testing should be carried out. Testing such as unit test to prototype test, code review to automated test everything should be done in a flow. 
  • Partnership: Look for a more strategic partner who will study the whole development process carefully and invest additional thoughts into your project.
How do Free Apps make money?

The first thing is that you have to concrete ideas about your app which will fulfill the purpose of the user’s needs. You need to build your app idea roughly to know possible expenses. Also, you need to pay attention to the platform you would be using as there are chances to increase the developing cost. Know your partner’s company and their location, their general complexity of project and app.

Is it smarter to outsource Mobile App Development?

Nowadays, outsourcing is fairly popular because development cost is relatively cheaper with getting the best quality assured application. For this, you need to identify a good mobile app development company and need to pay attention to a few of the listed below factors. 

  • Consider the company background, how they started, their goals, mission and how they work to accomplish goals.
  • Their design engagement goals and how the list helps them to accomplish the goals and deliver the application. 
  • Know the mobile app development approach and what risks are involved in it along with understanding it’s factors affecting success and failure. 
  • The company should be able to provide a strategy for user acquisition and retention for your application. 

Take Away

This is all we have got for you at the moment. The mobile app development guide will help you to develop your own app without having mobile development experience. If you think we are missing any specific topic to cover or have any follow-up question, write to us, we are ready to serve you better. Also, if you are looking to cater to an amazing mobile app development, we’d be happy to have a conversation with you! Connect with us.

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