There is a buzz around for the word Automation, which mainly focus on replacing manual human activity with system or devices. After all, time is a limited resource, so the argument for more Automation usually will go on. Talking about Amazon, then they have all set to test delivery drones that pick warehouse orders. Also, Google has tested a self-driving car, Facebook tested brain-computer interface, and several other companies are planning their next move towards Automation.

Here below in this article, you can get a basic idea about automated software testing and why it needs in today’s Agile IT Industry. Dive in to know more…

What is Automation Testing?

Automation testing is a kind of technique that tests and compares the current outcome with the expected outcome. The testing can achieve by using the predicted automation testing tool. In short, it’s a time of software testing that involves automated test cases executed using an automation tool.

What do you get after Automation?

  • Cost reduction
  • Repeatability
  • Programmable
  • Reusable
  • Quality

Best Practices for Automation

You’ll find a lot of reasons as to why automated testing is beneficial, and with using some of these best practices, a strong foundation will start for improving software quality.  Our Automated test services help to improve the accuracy, free up QA engineers, and focus on the only test that requires manual attention and unique human skills. Get maximum ROI with software testing services using the following tips

  • Decide what test cases you need to automate
  • Test early and often
  • Choose the right automated tool
  • Divide your automated testing efforts
  • Create a Good and quality test data
  • Create an Automated Test that resistant changes in UI

Advantages of Automation Testing

  • Automation testing reduces the overall test execution time. Since automated test execution is faster than manual test execution.
  • It reduces the cost and resource requirements of the project, as the script created once can make run any number of times as long as there is no change in the application.
  • Helps in working with a broad set of input, which isn’t be feasible with manual testing.
  • Helps in creating a Continuous Integration environment wherein, after each code push, automatic test suite execution takes place with the new build.
  • Using CICD tools like Jenkins, we can create Jobs that execute the test cases after the deployment of a build and mails the test results to the stakeholders.

Which test cases to automate?

It is essential to determine which test cases should be automated first. The excellent test cases need to be automated several times for relevant data to perform the same action. Some of the benefits you can have by automating are listed below:

  • A repetitive task that runs for multiple builds
  • Tests will require multiple data sets
  • Tests tend to cause human error
  • Frequently used functionality introduced with high-risk conditions
  • Several tests are run on different hardware and software platforms using various configurations
  • The analysis does take a lot of effort and time when done through manual testing

Test Automation Process

  • Requirement understanding: First, most test automation starts from here. Get knowledge of requirements and define the scope of it.
  • Defining Scope of the Automation: Finding the right test case for the Automation, which includes under What to automate part.
  • Selecting the right tool: You need to choose the tool depending on factors such as project, programming expertise, budget, etc.
  • Framework Creation: Create robust test automation using various frameworks such as modular framework, data-driven: Keyword-Driven, and hybrid framework.
  • Scripting Test cases: Start with the script after the framework and choose a typical script for web application test cases such as Open browser, navigate the application, perform an action, post data, and validate logic.
  • CICD Integration: Run a test case on-demand and integrate with CICD(Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery), which will automatically trigger execution after deployment.

The myth about Automation Testing

  • 100% automation is possible: There are no applications that give 100% automation say. For example, Automation is not possible in Exploratory test cases and usability test cases.
  • Automation can eat up all manual testing jobs: This is true that with the rise of automation testing and different tools, there will be a shift to the requirement of dual role testers. But Automation will never to eliminated.
  • Developers will make better automation testers: Tester can create a more robust test script and can still think to have multi-gate verification.
  • Automation is far more expensive: When the user has done it correctly, then Automation can reduce the overall testing cost and efforts. It can save you in the long run.

Also, read this Manual Testing vs Automation Testing – What to choose and why?


Wrapping up:

I hope this article has helped you in understanding the different aspects of automation testing. Whether you’re looking to get started or have already implemented an automation strategy, her e we have something for you. Build a successful automated testing strategy with us. Explore more.

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