
To build a web application means using different tools and technologies. Also, one needs to deal with server-side operations, database manipulation, and client-side handling. Before starting a new project, one needs to set up project structure and tools, which can be time-consuming. Additionally, using a stack framework can help speed up the development with ease of work for the developers. Let’s go inside the blog and get an overview of the Mean stack.

What is the MEAN stack?

Mean Stack denotes a collection of Javascript based on the technologies used to develop web applications and web pages. The word MEAN is defined as MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJs. Mean is the full stack javascript as it combines MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS with almost famous technology concepts for building web applications.

Mean Stack is the branch of full-stack development that developers mostly use in building fast and robust web-based applications. It’s a dynamic website and an ideal choice for most developers. Along with being user-friendly, the technology is open-source and makes a prototype for any website with organizing your website with ease.

What is the future of a Mean stack developer?

A mean stack developer is mostly JavaScript based on application programming and works on Mean Stack. Hire Mean Stack developers who can work on any application’s backend and front-end. Being a Mean Stack Developer is a most desirable and challenging vocation. If you’re ready to work on diverse skills and have experience working with various code languages, you could become a successful Mean stack developer. 

How does the MEAN stack work?

Mean Stack Architecture

MEAN Stack Components

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is an open-source database written in C++. It stores data, adding a key-value using binary data types such as JSON. It comes document-oriented with NoSQL Database. The document in MongoDB resembles an OOPs object. It’s an ideal choice for any database system that needs to be managed well. It helps in developing an entire application with just one application.

What is Express.JS?

Express.JS is a mature, flexible framework and offers a lightweight server. It is mainly designed using single, hybrid, and multi-page web applications. As its lightweight framework, it uses a pug engine to support templates.

What is Angular.JS?

Angular is maintained by Google and is an open-source JavaScript framework. The primary aim of the framework is to use MVC architecture inside browser-based applications. It helps to make the development and process testing easier. AngularJS uses HTML as a template language while creating a smarter web app that supports personalization. It includes features like dependency injection and eliminating plenty of code to be written.

What is Node.JS?

The framework allows developers to create web servers and build web applications. It’s a server-side Javascript execution environment that uses a non-blocking and event-driven I/O model. It’s practical, lightweight, and perfect for data-intensive applications running across distributed devices. 

Why learn Mean stack?

It’s kind of tough to accomplish more on the web and mobile without using JavaScript. As JS is the primary language, it runs the entire MEAN stack and adds one most active developer communities. As a part of the Mean programming language, it supports a unique server-side and client-side execution environment. Additionally, it builds versatility with robust and fast web app productions. As it comes with high demand with startups and employers.

Check out Full-Stack vs Mean Stack vs MERN stack.

Advantages of Mean stack

There are usually four components that work in tandem which do not offer the best solution. This is where Mean Stack arises and fits well. It’s kind of scalable and handles a large number of users simultaneously. Mean Stack can be an excellent choice for all cloud-native apps. At the same time, the angular front end offers a perfect choice for single-page applications. It covers:

  • News aggregation sites
  • Expense tracking sites
  • Mapping and location apps

As the components are primarily based on JavaScript and JSON, component integration has become more accessible. Also, Express and Angular are the two most popular frameworks used for front-end and back-end development, respectively. Express makes the route and manages HTTP requests while adding great support for middleware to handle JSON endpoints. On the other hand, angular is the most powerful tool that builds dynamic HTML pages communicating with the backend server.

If you want to build a high-throughput API or a simple web application, then Mean is ideal for building Node.js applications. The tool allows excellent opportunities for developers.

  • It allows creating a simple open-source solution with building robust solutions.
  • It uses a low memory footprint and uniform language throughout the Stack.
  • MongoDB is built for the cloud and helps in avoiding unnecessary groundwork.
  • Node.js simulates the server layer, whereas MEAN makes the code isomorphic.

Disadvantages of Mean stack

JavaScript is a modern language, and it wasn’t initially designed to build backend servers. As the foundation of the MEAN stack is JavaScript, it adds a backend server that comes with concurrency and issues with performance that scales up due to JavaScript nature. As the development opportunities are rapid, the server logic would suffer from potential code and bad practices. 

The tool won’t add concrete JS coding in the final terms, which is appropriate for the Stack. Which ultimately is suitable for one application might not work better for another.

  • Once you develop the first site using a mean stack, it’s hard to go back to the old approach.
  • We don’t find any specific general JS coding guidelines.
  • It offers poor isolation of the server, therefore, chances of losing data.

How secure is the MEAN stack?

We have a team of developers who highly recommend using Mean Stack with MongoDB Atlas. As Atlas comes with built-in credentials and end-to-end encryptions, it’s the best foundation for securing MongoDB. Additionally, Mean Stack comes with concrete three-tier separation using best practices and correct network isolation. There are times when it prevents end-users from accessing the business logic and database layer. The application designed using this tool is the default to avoid malicious user interaction from putting your application at risk.

Why choose Mean stack?

  • Scalable and Flexible
  • Excellent Speed
  • One Stack, one language
  • Free of Cost
  • User-Friendly
  • Avoids Rewriting

Wrap up

Mean Stack comes with an impressive salary and tremendous growth opportunities. Mean Stack is always here to stay, therefore, hire a mean stack development company and build a website framework based on your requirement. Mean Stack works excellent for almost all organizations and is a needed future technology.

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