
Quick Overview: Leverage the full potential of web development in 2024 with our comprehensive guide to mastering the MERN stack. From database management in MongoDB to crafting interactive user interfaces with React, explore the intricacies of each component. Go through the real-world use cases and leverage the MERN stack’s scalability and efficiency to revolutionize your projects. Embrace the MERN stack and gain competitive advantages.

Nowadays, developers and business owners choose various programming languages for application development, such as Python, JavaScript, and many more. However, JavaScript is the most widely used renowned language for coding front-end applications, whereas Java is used for back-end.

Despite that, most full-stack applications are written in JavaScript, as it is the universal language that utilizes a complete tech stack of cloud-native technologies that manage database storage, application servers, user experience and retrieval, and more.

One of the premium examples of this type of development platform is MERN stack development. So, let’s understand what it is.

What is the MERN stack?

MERN stack development is a composition of four open-source technologies leveraged to build customized web applications. It is an uprising and popular technology that allows developers to create unique web applications with top-notch functionality. MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, and React.js are the full forms of the MERN stack.

There has been a huge upsurge of MERN stack-based development in various industries. The MERN stack consists of various technologies for customized web app development, including databases, backends, and frontends. It utilizes only one language, JavaScript; consequently, companies only have to hire JavaScript developers rather than looking for specialized ones.

MERN stack vs. MEAN stack

Currently, MEAN and MERN stacks are trending. The key difference between them is that one uses Angular.js, and the other uses React.js. The comparative analysis indicates that React.js has an easy learning curve and is best leveraged for applications, as it accelerates development significantly. That is why startups prefer the MERN stack over MEAN.

The recent Statista report indicates React.js is the most popular skill in the JavaScript tech stack globally. React.js leads the list, with 45% of respondents favoring this technology, followed by Node.js with 15%, leaving behind Angular at third spot with 12.93%. Node.js and React.js are part of the MERN stack, giving developers an ideal solution for a full-stack development framework.

 JavaScript tech stack worldwide in 2024

Don’t miss this: The Complete Beginner’s Guide To MEAN Stack and MERN Stack

Components of MERN stack

The MERN stack components consist of MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. These JavaScrip-based technologies are used together to develop unique and high-performing web applications.


It is a renowned NoSQL database utilized by top MERN stack development companies in the United States. It stores data in documents, with key-value pairs equivalent to JSON objects. It allows you to create schemas, tables, and more.

Reason to use:

MongoDB is an ideal choice for the MERN stack as it provides developers with a much-needed flexible and scalable database solution. It offers an easy learning curve and can manage large data volumes.


It is a lightweight and flexible framework in the MERNstack that is beneficial for building web applications. As a Node.js framework, it makes it easier to write code for the backend. There is no need to develop multiple Node.js modules. Besides that, it keeps your code consistent and offers loads of middleware.

Reason to use:

It simplifies managing HTTP requests, defines routes, and seamlessly manages middleware. Developers can create server-side applications quickly. It allows integration of other MERN stack components and enables smooth communication between the front end and back end.

Read also: How to Choose Reliable ExpressJS Development Company in USA?


React.js is a renowned frontend library utilized to build engaging user interfaces. Its components-based library allows MERN stack developers to build reusable UI elements in JavaScript to apply to various web applications. This library performs every action through virtual DOM. Hire MERN stack developers to create user interfaces for SPAs and mobile apps.

Reason to use:

This declarative JavaScript framework creates unique client-side applications in HTML. It allows MERN stack developers to build intricate interfaces via simple components, connect them to the backend server, and align them as HTML.


It is one of the most popular JavaScript runtime environments for building server-side applications. It is built on the V8 JavaScript engine and offers a range of tools and features that streamline the entire development process. The NPM (Node Package Manager) lets users choose from many packages and models. Additionally, it uses the Chrome JavaScript engine, which accelerates code execution.

Reason to use:

This runtime environment executes JavaScript code on the server side, allowing seamless communication between front-end and back-end components. This group of elements unifies as the MERN stack and becomes a go-to choice for a full-stack development framework.

MERN stack development services

Nest.js vs. Express.js

Node.js has become the go-to choice for developing a wide range of server-side web application development applications. However, developing web applications with Node.js offers a range of options. The most popular frameworks are Nest.js and Express.js. Both of these are Node.js frameworks extensively used by top web development companies to build scalable applications.

However, in terms of features and functions, they have certain differences. Go through the table below and customize your web app development framework, considering your project needs.

Comparative analysis:

Nest js vs Expepres js

When to choose Nest.js?

Well, both these frameworks are powerful, but Nest.js offers an opinionated and structured approach that is beneficial for enterprise-level projects where you need scalability and maintainability at most. The choice between Nest.js and Express.js is mostly based on your project needs and goals. However, both these frameworks will simplify the web app development process.

Why choose the MERN stack for web development?

MERN stack offers a pool of benefits for startups, big enterprises, and developers alike. It is scalable, flexible, and easy to learn. According to Statista, the MERN stack development market was about to reach US$167.00 billion in 2023 and is set to increase (CAGR 2023-2028) at an annual growth rate of 7.04%.

  • Comparative analysis indicates that developers can easily manage applications against conventional web applications.
  • The MERN stack has multiple tiers and is scalable, allowing developers to upscale and downgrade without compromising code quality.
  • Its tool allows programmers to code programs quickly with minimum effort, significantly accelerating the overall development speed.
  • The fundamentals of MERN stacks include failover capabilities, scalability, and modularity.
  • It allows updating every component of the project independently without impacting the other modules. Let’s say there is a bug in the module in need of fixing, and it does not affect other modules until it has been replaced or patched with a completely new module by fixing that bug.
  • It allows the development of a 3-tier architecture consisting of a database, front end, and back end using JavaScript and JSON.
  • The MERN stack base – MongoDB stores the JSON data natively.
  • The NoSQL database management system functions well with Node.js which allows representing, manipulating, and storing data at every tier of the applications.
  • The server-side framework Express.js which wraps HTTP requests and responses and makes the mapping of URLs to server-side functions a seamless process. It complements the front-end framework React.js for creating engaging and intuitive user interfaces in HTML while communicating with the server.

Skill set requirements for MERN stack development

Step-by-step process to use MERN stack

So, now let’s go through the step-by-step process to build a full-stack solution, leveraging the full potential of MERN stack development. We will create both the front end and the back end for this project. We will implement the front end by applying the React.js functionality and the back end by using MongoDB, Express.js, and Node.js. The front end shall be called the client, and the back end will be a server.

Install Node

Installing Node is the first step towards developing a full-stack solution. You can go to and download the latest LTS version, released in April 2024.

Create new project

Now that you have installed Node.js and MongoDB, this phase includes creating a project directory for your Node project. It begins by opening a new terminal window, creating a new Node Project directory in any advantageous location on your local system, and adding the following code to that directory.

Create new project

Follow the following code and begin the initialization process of the new Node.js project.

new Node.js project

It will create the new package.json file. This file includes the information about your app and the dependencies that it requires to function.

Now, install the dependencies.


The above-mentioned command utilizes various keywords:

  • For Node.js, Express installs the web framework, which makes the MERN stack developers’ lives less stressful.
  • Cors installs Node.js packages, which enable cross-origination resource sharing.
  • The done plug-ins are the element that loads the environment variable from .env files into the process.env file. It allows developers to separate the configuration files from the code.

The package.json file contains the installed dependencies. Packages must be listed with their version.

Build Node.js Express server

This step involves creating a file categorized as server.js. To do so, type the following code and save.

Build Node.js Express server

Here, you need to use Express.js and Cors. You will also require const port process.env.port, which allows you to access the port available from the config.env.

Install Mongoose and MongoDB

We utilize the MongoDB Atlas, a cloud-based database-as-a-service free tier, for this detailed guide. It is one of the easiest ways to get started with MongoDB quickly. For the front end, we will use Mongoose for your MongoDB database. It is a MongoDB object modeling tool designed to function in an asynchronous environment.

Like any other dependencies in your Node.js project – package.json, you can install Mongoose. Go through the following command inside your project folder to install it.

Skill set requirements for MERN stack development

This command allows you to add Mongoose and MongoDB database drivers, enabling your Node.js application to establish the connection with the database and function with data.

Connect to MongoDB database

This phase involves establishing a connection with the database. Inside your server directory, open the terminal window and carry out the following command.

server directory

Now assign the connection string to your MongoDB Atlas database inside the config.env. file to a new ATLAS_URI.

Now, navigate your cluster in Atlas and click on CONNECT. This process launches the Cluster Connection Wizard. This Wizard drives developers to add the current IP address to the IP Access List and create a MongoDB user, in case you have yet to do so. Remember to note the username and password of the new MongoDB user since they are required for another development stage.

Afterward, the Wizard will help you determine the connection approach. Choose Connect Your Application. Once the Wizard prompts you to choose your driver version, choose Node.js and 3.6 or later. Copy the allotted connection string.

Well, your file should look below to remain on the right track.

my project server

FYI: With your database username and password, Replaceand.

Under the server directory, create the new folder and name it ‘db.’


Now, create a file called conn.js within it. There, add the following code to establish the connection with the database.


DB Connection JS

Create server API endpoints/Routes

We are done with the server part and establishing the connection with the database. Now, this phase revolves around Server API endpoints. Create the routes folder and add record.js to it. Now, find your way back to the server directory and create the new directory and file.

API Endpoints

Inside the route/record.js folder, paste the following code.


Now, start the server to see if it functions. In the same directory, open the terminal as your server.js file and type the following.


You will see the following output if you have followed all the steps precisely.

Server is running on port_ 5000

For the backend, this is it. Now, we will focus on the front end.

Set up React application

Carry out the execute create-react-app command to create the react application in your project’s root folder.

Create a React Application

It will create a new directory for your React front-end application. Now, navigate to the client folder and examine the React application code.

cd client && ls

In the ‘client’ directory, open the new terminal window and install the other two dependencies.

npm install bootstrap

With Bootstrap, you can deploy the template and components for your new application without writing code from scratch. For web applications, react-router-dom installs the React router elements.

Create React router

Empty the src folder and create the React folder.

rm src

Afterward, add new files to App.js and index.js


Add the following code inside the src/index.js file.


To store the current location and keep the UI in sync with the URL, we are using the address bar. It enables smooth transition while refreshing components.

Build React components

Create a components folder inside the src directory. Then, create and add a new.js file inside the component folder.

There are three things that your app needs to do as follows

  • Create an employee
  • Edit an employee
  • View all employees

For every task, you need to create create.js, edit.js, and navbar.js and recordList.js


A screenshot of every file will look as follows,


The code below serves to create a reduced component. Utilizing these components allows users to create new records. This element submits the make command to the server.



It serves as an editing component for our records. It creates elements using a similar layout and submits the update command to your server.



This code serves as a viewing component for the record. It fetches all the records in the database via the GET method.



The Navbar.js component lets you create a navigation bar that links the required components using the following code.


Add the following code to the src/App.js file you created in an earlier stage.



Now, you have completed creating the component stage, and you have linked your React app to the back end, utilizing Fetch. It offers cleaner and more efficient ways to manage HTTP requests, which is why creating create.js, edit.js, and recordList.js is possible.

Now, end all processes and start the application, following the steps below.

Start carrying out the following command in the server directory in a new terminal window.

server directory terminal

Now, open the new terminal window in the Client directory and run the following command.

Client directory

And at last, you will be able to see your application in your browser.

Leverage the MERN stack

MERN stack use cases

Globally, the MERN stack development services usage is witnessing a significant surge as it develops applications that exclusively utilize JavaScript. This is because all four technologies that comprise the MERN stack are JS-based. MERN stack induces applications that are user-friendly and efficient.

Single page applications (SPAs)

MERN stack is suitable for creating SPAs where it allows you to retrieve all the essential code with a single page load. React.js, Express.js, and Node.js allow impactful rendering of unique content, facilitating a smooth user experience.

Content management system (CMS)

MERN stack allows users to create, manage, and publish content seamlessly. React.js looks after the flexible front end for creating engaging and interactive interfaces wherein Express.js and Node.js manage the backend functionality and database interactions.

Real-time applications

MERN stack utilizes WebSocket or to develop real-time applications like chat applications, collaborative tools, or live tracking systems, where instant updates are essential.

E-commerce applications

MERN stack offers a seamless shopping experience from the comfort of your home as its tech stacks create a robust E-commerce platform. React.js allows the development of an interactive product catalog and shopping carts, while Express.js and Node.js manage the entire order processing, including payment integration and inventory management.

MERN stack is not limited to just these use cases, these are just a few examples. Its versatility, flexibility, and quick learning curve make the MERN stack development services in United States the most popular solution for developing a range of applications.

Companies that use MERN Stack

Advantages of MERN stack

Since the MERN stack is open-source, it allows the development of trustworthy online applications. Developers adore this framework because it makes building a website easier, which was a complex process earlier. This is one of the most popular tech stacks in 2024, so let’s go through the top advantages of availing MERN stack development services.

Robust web applications

Above all, the MERN stack allows you to build dynamic, robust, user-friendly web applications. There is no need to determine and go through the complex development process through the JavaScript framework; you can just use technology that takes care of everything.


MERN stack is open-source, so all of its code is accessible and allows you to customize and tweak it as and when needed. If your organization relies heavily on proprietary software, then having the ability to alter it will help you reduce costs and make future updates a breeze.


It is one of the best features of the MERN stack as it is built on Node.js and MongoDB, and both utilize JavaScript. It allows you to switch between elements, and expanding your business becomes much easier with their shared language. It makes the development process much faster as developers do not require specific knowledge of every system component.


MERN stack is utilized to build simple landing pages for intricate enterprise applications, all of which are possible because of its flexibility. It is considered a rapidly growing technology in 2024. It allows you to quickly build all kinds of applications and switch modules as per your requirements.

In-built functionality

The built-in functionality allows you to focus on developing new features or enhancing what is already there. There is no need to reinvent the wheel every step of the way.

Top-notch functionality

The MERN stack allows you to add functionalities seamlessly if you want to integrate highly technical features such as encrypted authentication or active directory support. It reduces the development time considerably. If your application requires basic functionality, you do not need to pay for unnecessary coding.

Higher accessibility

MERN stack developers chose this framework out of many alternatives because it offers higher accessibility. It offers an inclusive tech stack, so novice developers also utilize the MERN stack to develop applications even without an extensive background and knowledge in programming, as it offers an easy learning curve.


MERN stack libraries like Handlebars for templating and Jquery for DOM manipulation, which means you do not require prior experience in those languages to get started.

MERN stack development solution

MERN stack in 2024

Technology is evolving with time; therefore, choosing the ideal tech stack for developing an application is a tough decision. You need to stay on top of the trends and comprehend the project needs. You also need to consider scalability, security, better performance, the availability of talent, cost, and your target audience’s priorities to determine the tech stack.

By choosing the MERN stack development services, you can meet all the set criteria. Because of its versatility, it is one of the trending tech stacks across the United States in 2024. It allows developers to adapt to evolving, shifting market dynamics. Besides that, the MERN stack is open-source, which means it is cost-effective, and its popularity means you can hire MERN stack developers on demand.

Read also: How to Hire Dedicated MERN Stack Developer for your Project?

This detailed guide covers everything from use cases to a step-by-step guide to building a business-oriented solution. MERN stack is an ideal tech stack for developing a full-stack solution quickly and within your budget. So, to leverage its full potential, seek assistance from the top MERN stack development company in the USA and build a web solution to perfection!

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